Export 2500pcs Paper Egg Tray Making Machine to Bolivia

Good news! 2500pcs paper egg tray making machine of Beston Company was shipped to Bolivia. Before delivery, our professional quality inspectors checked all the spare parts of the machine. And, they did a test running for the BTF4-4 machine to Bolivia. We had exported a set of 1500pcs paper egg tray machine to Bolivia. We knew about the transport convention. Therefore, this time, we had completed the delivery to Bolivia in a very short time. Want to know more about Beston, please read about the case of the BTF4-4 machine to Bolivia now.

2500pcs Egg Tray Making Machine to Bolivia
2500pcs Egg Tray Making Machine to Bolivia

Features of 2500pcs Egg Tray Making Machine to Bolivia

Model: BTF4-4

Capacity (pieces/h): 2500pcs

End product: 30 paper egg tray

Dryer configuration: no

2500pcs paper egg tray machine to Bolivia is a kind of medium machine. Among all the 7 models of egg tray machines in Beston, the customer thinks that BTF4-4 is the most suitable machine. The customer is satisfied with the capacity and investment cost of the BTF4-4 machine. After several times of communication, he confirms to choose BTF4-4.

BTF4-4 Egg Tray Machine to Bolivia
BTF4-4 Egg Tray Machine to Bolivia
Loading BTF4-4 Machine to Bolivia
Loading BTF4-4 Machine to Bolivia


2500pcs paper egg tray making machine to Bolivia is the hot-selling model in our factory. If you are interested in the BTF4-4 machine, welcome to contact us. We would send you more pictures and project information about the BTF4-4 egg crate making machine for you. We would supply a one-stop service for all customers. Therefore, don’t hesitate to contact Beston.


    Please specify your requirements:

    1-What kind of solution will meet your demand? (Key point)

    2-What kind of material and expected end product are you planning to have? (Right solution begins from material and product)

    3-When is the project supposed to be running? (Key info for A-Z project programming)

    4-Budget for machinery purchasing? (Key info for right model)

    5-Points that you really focus on. (Customized service from our project consultant)