Ship Beston BTF6-8 Apple Tray Making Machine to Russia

Good news! The regular Russian customer placed an order for a set of BTF6-8 apple tray making machine. Now, we have completed the manufacturing and testing. We are ready to ship the BTF6-8 apple tray making machine to Russia. If you have the same investment demands, welcome to know the case now!

Details About BTF6-8 Apple Tray Making Machine to Russia

BTF6-8 apple tray making machine to Russia is a set of machine that can make 6000-6500 pieces of paper apple trays per hour. The customer would use the waste paper to make apple trays. Before deciding to buy the BTF6-8 machine, he made an investigation of the paper apple tray market condition. Paper apple trays are largely demanded in Russia and are sold well in the market. He would make high profits from the apple tray selling business.

BTF6-8 Apple Tray Making Machine to Russia
BTF6-8 Apple Tray Making Machine to Russia
Side of BTF6-8 Machine to Russia
Side of BTF6-8 Machine to Russia
Pulp Making System to Russia
Pulp Making System to Russia
Drying Part to Russia
Drying Part to Russia
Loading Components of BTF6-8 to Russia
Loading Components of BTF6-8 to Russia
Components of BTF6-8 In the Container
Components of BTF6-8 In the Container

Why Russian Customer Choose Beston Again?

The Russian customer pays more attention to the delivery time and service. Beston supplies one-stop service for all customers, such as selecting model, making project plans, customizing, manufacturing, delivery, installation, training workers, etc. Because we have regular cooperation, the customer knows we would supply the perfect service and timely delivery for him. What’s more, the product pulp molding machine quality is guaranteed. Therefore, he buy the machine from Beston without hesitation this time.

In the End

We supply online installation services for the Russian customer. Because of COVID-19, Beston engineers can’t fly to Russia. In fact, we have guided many times of online installation. All projects are well installed. Therefore, don’t worry about installation, if you choose Beston.


    Please specify your requirements:

    1-What kind of solution will meet your demand? (Key point)

    2-What kind of material and expected end product are you planning to have? (Right solution begins from material and product)

    3-When is the project supposed to be running? (Key info for A-Z project programming)

    4-Budget for machinery purchasing? (Key info for right model)

    5-Points that you really focus on. (Customized service from our project consultant)